The world of Ayurveda has shown its profound benefits in various fields. Dengue fever is one of them. According to The World Health Organization, Dengue is viral contamination communicated by the nibble of a tainted female Aedes mosquito. The side effects of the disease just a short time after the mosquito chomp and not right away.
Dengue fever is an influenza-like ailment that influences babies, small kids, and grown-ups the same. A more extreme appearance of this ailment, Dengue hemorrhagic fever, will in general influence kids under 10 years old which can cause stomach torment, draining and influence the circulatory framework
The ways that the world follows to overcome dengue fever are drinking lots of electrolytes, eating nutritious meals, and keeping good vibes. Despite the fact that there is no particular treatment for the sickness of Dengue, Ayurveda stresses fortifying safe arrangement of the body and keeping control of dengue fever.