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Calm your nerves with Ayurveda

The field of Ayurveda has always promised the best treatment, in the field of nervous disorders. History has been witness to the fact that one shot of ashwagandha before an important meeting can give you that boost in energy that you need. When it comes to treating nervous disorders, Ayurveda has been a thriving supporter of the mankind and human race. The science of Ayurveda is based on three principles, namely the dosha, the vatta and the pitta. It is known to bring holistic improvement into your everyday life.

It helps treat several chronic and acute diseases and helps you lead an overall healthy life as well. Ayurveda rightly believes that nervous and neurological disorders are due to the disruption in Majja Dhatu patterns. In most cases, it is believed that nervous disorders are a result of Vatavyadhi. This essentially points out the health problems that are caused by an imbalance of Vata Dosha.

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