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5 magical benefits of consuming Aloe Vera Juice

The magical plant of Aloebarbadensis miller, popularly known as Aloe Vera, is a blessing to the world. Its natural beneficial properties have made it widely popular in the ayurvedic industry, and rightly so. The word Aloe Vera comes from the Arabic word 'Alloeh'. It directly translates to a truly shining substance, that is bitter in taste. From being a plant that people avoided due to its unfamiliar texture and thorns, to becoming one that is essentially found in every household, Aloe Vera has proven its reaping prosperities to the world.

Aloe Vera has extensive usage in the field of cosmetology, medicinal advantages and household requirements. Its clinical usage is directly associated with its chemical properties and mechanism of action. Aloe Vera has been used in the diverse cultures of Germany, Egypt, France, India, Japan, etc. Its earliest traces have been found from the mythologies of queen Cleopatra and Nefertiti. Aloe Vera is essentially a triangular-shaped fleshy leaf, with glucomannan gel inside. The list of benefits that Aloe Vera has provided to mankind is non-exhausting.

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